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Jessica Johnson, Anne K. Yoder, Jon Raymond, Jeff Alessandrelli

Anne K. Yoder is the author of the novel The Enhancers. Her fiction, essays, and criticism have appeared in Fence, BOMB, Tin House, NY Tyrant, and MAKE, and has been recognized in Best American Nonrequired Reading. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks and is a member of the Chicago-based publishing and arts collective, Meekling Press. She writes, lives, and occasionally dispenses pharmaceuticals in Chicago.

Jeff Alessandrelli is most recently the author of the book-length fictional essay And Yet (PANK, 2022). The Kenyon Review called his 2019 poetry collection Fur Not Light an “example of radical humility…its poems enact a quiet but persistent empathy in the world of creative writing.” Recent work by Alessandrelli appears or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Chicago Review, and Buckman Journal.

 In addition to his writing Jeff also directs the nonprofit book press/record label Fonograf Editions.

Jessica E. Johnson writes poetry and nonfiction. She’s the author of the book-length poem Metabolics and the chapbook In Absolutes We Seek Each Other, and is a contributor to the anthology Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, Poetry. Her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in The Paris Review, Tin House, The New Republic, Poetry Northwest, River Teeth, DIAGRAM, Annulet Poetics, The Southeast Review, and Sixth Finch. She lives in Portland, where she teaches at Portland Community College and co-hosts the Constellation Reading Series at Tin House.

Jon Raymond is the author of the novels The Half-Life, Rain Dragon, Freebird, and Denial, and the story collection Livability, winner of the Oregon Book Award. He also published a collection of art writing called The Community: Writings About Art In and Around Portland, 1997 - 2016. His screenwriting credits include Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy, Meek's Cutoff, Night Moves, First Cow, and Showing Up (numerous of which were based on his fiction), and the HBO miniseries Mildred Pierce. He was editor of Plazm Magazine, an Associate and Contributing Editor at Tin House Magazine, and served on the Board of Directors of Literary Arts. His writing has appeared in Zoetrope, Tin House, Artforum, Bookforum, and many other places.

March 3

OPP March

March 9

Sam Heaps and Kimberly King Parsons